A Guide for College Dancers Returning for a New School Year

August has arrived. If you are a university-level dancer, this probably means that sometime in the next few weeks to month, you are headed back to campus again. The first weeks of fall are often filled to the brim with adjustments to your schedule of technique classes, auditions, rehearsals, coursework, work, and any other obligations you may have. Your mind and body need to be ready to take on the challenges ahead so you can enjoy dance to its fullest.

But what does this mean? This means thinking ahead about the strategies you will practice to keep you dance-ready. Establishing these wellness habits during your college dance years is one of the MOST important things you can do to prepare you for life after college and wherever your dance career takes you. The nice thing about the habits I mention below is that they will apply to your dancing now and for as long as you want to dance. So, take note, and start now:


1)    Acknowledge your expected workloads and plan ahead.

It happens every. Single. Year. Students return to campus in the fall, and head into technique classes, exercise classes, auditions, and rehearsals, often intensely right out of the gate. And, inevitably, lots of aches, pain, and injuries can start to creep up if their bodies weren’t prepared.

If you know that this load is inevitably coming in a few weeks or so, start to take care of what you need BEFORE this hits you like a ton of bricks. For example, if you have spent the summer dancing a ton, as in summer intensives or performing, you might need to intentionally dial the intensity back, and take yourself through some gentler classes or restorative yoga to allow a bit of recovery prior to semester’s start. Or, if you have NOT been able to dance a lot or work out much, and have the ability to start slowly building yourself into technique and cross training a couple weeks ahead of time, you can ramp up a tiny bit slower. Starting now will give you a couple extra weeks to accommodate to new stresses instead of having everything come at you at once, and your body will thank you.


2)    Prioritize sleep.

I know, this likely sounds ridiculous for a college student to achieve, but you really need to acknowledge how much of a difference sleep can make in your physical AND mental wellness. Sleep is important for recovery and tissue repair, immune health, mental focus and clarity, decreasing pain sensitivity, and improving our ability to learn motor skills (i.e., movement like DANCE). Athletes who sleep less have a higher risk for injury, have more difficulty paying attention and learning, and can even demonstrate lower resilience during tough situations.

You may not always have control over how much sleep you get because of the demands of class, work, family, etc. However, a little bit can truly go a LONG way. Do what you can, when you can, within those limitations. This means things like:

  • Finding a bedtime ritual that helps you wind down, like a warm shower, meditative or slow breathing, or gentle stretching. (Your body will learn to read the “sleep is near” signal more readily and will have an easier time preparing to sleep well)

  • Avoiding stimulants (like caffeine or alcohol) close to bedtime

  • If possible, keeping your room cool and dark, or using a sleep mask if needed

  • Trying to keep a relatively consistent bed time and wake time

  • Consciously powering down your computer, tablet, phone, or any other device that tends to get your brain activated and awake, and leave that device for a time period before bed (preferably 20-30 minutes prior to bed time).

Remember, no one is their best self when they are sleep deprived. If you want to up your dancing game, make sure sleep is part of your plan.


3)    Set a goal to strength train at least two days per week.

If you are a dancer, you have to strength train. Yes, I said HAVE to. Strength is a basic requirement for moving in all the amazing ways dancers move. Your muscles need the capacity to support your joints and other body tissues through the twisting, spinning, sliding, jumping, landing, upside-downing, into and out of the floor-ing, lifting or holding a partner, or managing a heavy prop or set piece. Many injuries develop because your body cannot handle the load/stress you are putting on it. If you have stronger muscles, you will handle the stresses of movement SO MUCH BETTER. You will perform SO MUCH BETTER because dance will become physically easier for your body, allowing you to focus less on physical struggle and more on artistry and creative expression. What a way to open up your possibilities as a dancer!

To strengthen muscles, you need to challenge your body with movements that are hard, that involve pushing, pulling, or lifting against resistance. Find the most challenging version of what you want to do, while still being able to achieve decent form. This means if you are performing squats, you can add weight to make it harder. If your weight is so heavy that you can’t complete the movement well or at least a few times well, then it is likely too much. Just lighten the load a little while still keeping the weight challenging. But, do not shy away from trying challenging weight in the first place—if you can perform perfectly and the movement is so easy you could keep repeating it without much effort, it’s too easy! And if it’s too easy, it’s not enough stimulus to increase muscle strength.

If you do not know where to start, or are unsure how to challenge yourself safely, seek guidance from a strength and conditioning coach, athletic trainer, or physical therapist. You can also access online fitness apps, take group fitness classes, or work out with a friend who has some existing experience resistance training. If you have a gym or rec center on campus, they likely offer free or very affordable introductory tours for students to help you feel comfortable using the equipment. College campuses often offer personal training at affordable rates compared to commercial gyms.

 Do you need to be performing fancy, dance-specific resistance training? Not necessarily. If you are new to strength training, adding in basic strength movements like squats, dead lifts, lunges, pushing movements, pulling movements, twists, planks, crawls, etc. can go a long way in your strength development. It’s also a bit easier for you to safely add resistance to more basic movements. Get fancy later, when you have more experience, a more specific performance goal, or have access to guidance from an expert.


4)    Fuel yourself.

You are going to hear me tell you to plan ahead, again. You need food in order to dance. It is literally your fuel. The number of dance students I have encountered over the years struggling in the middle of the class with a migraine or dizziness or low energy or foggy thinking because they started a morning class with only coffee or an energy drink—well, let’s just say it’s a fair number. You REQUIRE carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals to think and to move.

One thing I know is that depending on the location of the dance center and your other classes on campus, you may not be able to conveniently pick up/buy food once you get to school. Or, you might not have time because the window between classes is too short to drive somewhere and grab a meal. So, you probably need to pack food, and a water bottle. And, eat food before your morning dance class rather than trying to exercise without energy to use! Packing snacks that you can digest easily can be helpful if you have a short window of time between classes.

If you are not sure where to start or what to pack, seek advice from a Registered Dietician, especially one who understands dance/sports.


5)    Make a habit to manage stress BEFORE things get overwhelming.

 There will inevitably be times of high stress as a college dancer. Building strategies that you ALREADY have in place to manage overwhelm can help you be prepared when it happens. What do I mean by this? Make yourself a tool kit of strategies that you know help you manage your body and mind’s stress responses. This could include things like:

  • Slow, calm breathing

  • Meditative or mindful practices

  • Journaling

  • Taking a walk

  • Grounding in nature

  • Laughing and connecting with friends

  • Engaging in a hobby other than dance

  • Listening to music that makes your feel joyful

It is important for you to acknowledge your own typical physical and emotional response signals when stress is feeling a bit higher than you can manage. Do you start to feel tight in your stomach? Clench your jaw more? Breathe shallower and faster? If you notice these signals before things grow past the point of overwhelm, you can implement a strategy from your tool kit earlier and more often. This helps you get ahead in managing stressors bit by bit, and you can increase your chances that you will select a strategy that is useful to you.


6)    Find support and accountability from a peer

A roommate, fellow dance major, friend, family member, or peer group who can help support you in implementing these strategies can be a huge help. Share your goals with a close friend who you know will positively encourage you. Or, work together on your wellness plan. Perhaps you can meet together for a short meditation session on a weekly or biweekly basis. You could attend a fitness class or go on a walk or to the gym together. Or, simply check in with one another to see how things are going. Social support is extremely valuable when it comes to taking care of yourself and establishing new habits.



These strategies are hugely helpful and important, but they are NOT easy to implement. Health and habit forming takes immense dedication, planning, and practice. I KNOW it is hard to sleep, pack enough food, find time to strength train, and implement stress management practices in your busy dancer life. But these are not just dancer skills. These are life skills.

You NEED to build these habits so you can head into your first professional tour, your first teaching job, your first year of dance studio ownership, your first year of graduate school, as well as your 50th year of your career with energy, joy, and wellness.

You are preparing for a long dance life. Start now.